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How to Start Your Healthy Living Plan For 2022

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Don’t Half This I Wrote This Blog Post For YOU-because YOU are WORTH it.

I first want to say that you are here reading this right now and I want you to know that you’re worth it you’re valuable but you need to turn on your conscious awareness to understand that you can create the life you want. 

However, no one is going to do it for you-people will help on your journey but you are more than capable to do this for yourself. 

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Let me be clear to you-you do not have to be a celebrity to be worth it or valuable-your worth it because you’re a human and that is the most valuable thing in life.

Actors, Singers, and other creatives are just professions to bring happiness to help keep the world running to tell stories of the injustices.

Your Mental Health Matters

If you want to begin living a healthy life in 2022, you have to start with your mental health. Your mind is made for manifestation that means whatever you choose to have you can materialize; your mind is that powerful. 

However, to create the things you want to have-you must be mentally stable. For instance, if you want a successful relationship and all you’re thinking about is killers; then you’re not setting up for success. What you’re consuming is what you’re creating.

Create a stronger mindset by cultivating a strong mind by investing in yourself through positive self-development that you implement consistently.

If you’re struggling with your mental and emotional health because you are not physically where you want to be when I want to invite you to check out the Confidently Healthy program.

Your Physical Health Matter

Listen to my Confidently Healthy individuals-sex and beauty sells but owning your body is a force to be reckoned with. Having that pride that THIS is YOUR body that YOU created through the Confidently Healthy program.

Your body is the tool you use when you walk into a room-it is a symbol of your health. That doesn’t mean you don’t snack on Cracker Barrel popcorn but it means that you enjoy being you because there is no one like YOU! 

You are the biggest investment that you can make this year and you have to understand that your thoughts are constantly shaping your future. How are you going to create a better you tomorrow? Are you going to enroll in Confidently Healthy?

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Your Emotional Health Matters

A lot of people are a slave to their emotions because they don’t learn how to feel their emotions or learn how to properly express their emotions. You must learn how to properly express your emotions to be an amazing professional, sophisticated, class act human.

We have been told to suppress our emotions by the status quo because they want to keep up enslave but in reality, we need to learn how to express ourselves because that is where our revolutions are in.

For instance, if I wasn’t so upset about feeling ugly because I didn’t meet the Confidently Beautiful requirements of being their version of beauty; I wouldn’t have created Confidently Healthy but I could never present Confidently Healthy in a way that is professional unless I regulated my emotional health and realized my worth without a crown. 

Your Spiritual Health Health Matters

If you think that we are alone, then you have to think again-we are not alone. Look at the trees and the sun and just pause-don’t you wonder and just breathe? There was one point in my life that I really thought I was alone and then I realized that I wasn’t alone.

You have to be connected to your source because that is where your morals and values are that prevents you from doing bad things to others. 

Start a Financial Plan 

Having a good financial plan is the best way you can take care of yourself as I said before your life and your finances are your responsibility. 

The best indicator of your finances is to see if you can participate in the things you want to be doing in your life and have more leftover for emergencies, not just the bills. We are here to pay more than the bills. 

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Start a Lifestyle Plan

This goes back into the financial plan however, set your life up to the one that you want to create-how you want to live what you want to do, where you want to go, who you want to spend time with, what you want to cultivate. 

You have to understand that you are the conscious creator of your life and until you actively see that-that life comes from you-you can never attain what you truly desire.

This is why my Confidently Healthy course is more than just a weight loss and healthy course on the market it is a course that reprograms your mind to help you create a new identity, new beliefs, new systems, new boundaries to create a better you to receive the life you want to live.

Ask yourself what type of life do you want to live?

Create a Vision Board for the Year

Some people make vision boards for their life which I also do but lately, I have been doing a vision board for five years, then a lifestyle vision board now a yearly vision board.

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If you don’t know where you’re going-how do you expect anyone else to know where you’re going? Or how do you know how to present or pitch yourself to someone your idea or who you are?

Have a vision board of your life for the year that you can put up where you can see it daily-I have mine in front of my t.v. because I do not play and you shouldn’t either take daily steps toward your goals.

Write yourself a letter for the Year of the Things that You Hope to Accomplish (because you took little steps a day to accomplish the goals.)

I’m still learning about this and honestly, I’m a bit too goal-oriented because I want more for my family and to take my uncle and aunt to Germany so maybe this wasn’t the best exercise for me however it was effective that I knew exactly what I wanted at the end of the year.

However, I am assuming that you’re writing the letter like that you already have the things you desire and then open up the letter and I imagine that doing this is such a great practice because it keeps you accountable for actually creating the reality that you desire. 

Be Content with What you Have While doing a Self Cleansing of the Negative Thoughts.

The next thing is that I want you to do is to start being content with what you already HAVE and where you’re already living! That doesn’t mean you are not striving for the things you do not want either or giving up on your goals. (I honestly thought this is what it was at first but it wasn’t). 

However, to receive what you want you to have to clear your negative subconscious mind that is controlling your current reality to create the life you want to create in the future.

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This was the key pivotal way on how I lost 67 pounds in one year and drastically changed my life through the Confidently Healthy movement.

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