This is going to be my favorite blog post, because I love saving and investing money into my future, Roth IRA, VANGUARD here I come! If you do not know what those are I highly suggest signing up for the free five-day challenge as a part of my waitlist; to get on the wealth plan waitlist as these are essential to know to financially protect yourself for the future nevertheless, these are financial strategies to protect yourself and grow yourself financially so that you can have money in the bank for the future think of your money growing for yours. 


However, I love a good beauty routine and I love not being at the store every five seconds and I do not know why you have to go to target the same day you want to take a bath; your epsom salt baths should be right there waiting for you after a long day this is not hoarding this is preparing.

This is strategy. 

So let’s be strategic.



I love this app specifically for the coupons NOT to go shopping. The reason why we do not go shopping on this is because we want to use shopping as a luxury experience as Confidently Wealthy women go shopping as an experience as a token of reward to salvivate not splurge and waste are money down the drain *hint* I teach this inside the money management course inside the Confidently Wealthy School of Business.

Use this to save money not to spend it and use it well. 


Not the credit card but sign up for the free program to save up points to use toward your purchases. You will thank me once they add up and also for your birthday but for your birthday make sure you go the first week of your birthday month!



I mean bulk shopping,is key here and I like to order things in bulk but there is a difference between hoarding and bulk shopping so when you’re ordering you want to see how much you use on a given week for example I’m not going to order 5 boxes of q tips because I can’t even get through one in a year.

I will order 3 of my favorite lotions that I use right after the shower which is this one from Shea Moisture.

I do want to be very clear that hoarding is a clear sign of poverty mindset and investing is a sign of wealth.

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When there is a sale on your favorite product take it as sign of investing for your future-and take it but do not buy things just to buy that is hoarding that is a sign of a poverty mindset.

This is a limited thinking.

Have fun shopping!
