Why you Should start Passive Income 

It is no secret that you should always have more than one stream of income especially during these amazing times with education at your fingertips. You can learn anything you want and contact anyone you want to contact with professionalism as well as grace.

However, I do want to sit here and say that you should never sacrifice your time with your family in building more than one stream of income-it should come easy and naturally to you.


I sacrificed my time with my family so you don’t have to and I built a step-by-step system to follow inside the Confidently Wealthy® program. 

Multiple streams of Income allows and provides job security, one income stream falls another one catches you.

It takes time to build-success is not built overnight;it take time to build a sustainable foundation; the key is not to build something that is just going to be a one hit wonder but something that continuously sells back to back.

I rather have $350k per month product than a $350k launch to live off for the rest of the year-it is  a matter of perspective and a lot of people do not understand this.


People are so glued to launching and selling instead of receiving checks in the mail-think like a Confidently Wealthy® woman royalty, dividends, stocks they always pay you back with cash over time.

You need cash to do this and you need cash consistently to play that game-so why are you going to play the launch game when in reality you need to be playing the continuous income plus the security it provides for your family the PEACE of mind it provides for YOUR own mind that checks are coming from clients, customers, etc is amazing.

This is the life of passive income and I can teach you how to get there with the Confidently Wealthy School of Business® see you inside.
