7 Things That I Learned from My Weight Loss Journey

Key Things to Implement On Your Weight Loss Journey To Save You Money and Time

Are you looking to lose weight and cut the time in half but most importantly save money in the process? If so, you have come to the right blog post because I am going to help you out with the top 7 things that I learned to lose weight and keep skin tight. 

I went from 197 pounds with 50% BODY FAT to a whopping 155 to 35% body fat in ONE YEAR IN A HALF with the help of no one and after pretty much being scammed by many personal trainers within the industry.

Now, I am here to help you with these 7 fundamental tips you can begin to implement daily within your routine to set you up for success. 

One thing I do want to be highly clear about is that; weight loss is never linear and it won’t work unless you will so don’t think because you did something for one week you’re going to lose 12 pounds. 

It will only come back and you will be even more frustrated that you’re right where you began. 

The key thing to remember is that you are your habits, rituals, and routines and the standards that you implement on a daily bases because you’re reinventing yourself through health and wellness.

I can sit here and say; that I am shocked at who I was some years ago and I am so happy that I just started to walk even chronically depressed. 

It took me too long to get to where I am at today so now I am going to help you out to get to your goals these are the 7 Things that I wished someone told me for FREE to help me be stronger, wiser, and Confidently Healthy. 


Your calories, often known as Kilo Calories, should not be consumed with high-calorie sodas, alcohol, and any other high-liquid toxic that you’re purposely entering your body. Unfortunately, many things on the mark have a high level of fructose corn syrup, which is a highly processed syrup that is linked to causing disease if consumed too much; such as but not limited to sleep apnea, diabetes, and massive weight gain.

Now you’re most likely thinking what should you be drinking? You should be drinking H20 and the amount varies. You more than likely have been told to drink 8 glasses of water a day however, to lose weight you want to get in the mindset that water is meant to flush out your stomach, your organs, and your added body fat. 


How much water should you be drinking?

Drinking water is essential for burning fat from food and drink; however, it is the amount that should be your main focus.

Whatever your body weight is-you need to drink half of that in ounces for example if your body weight is 175 pounds that is 87 ounces of water per day you need to be drinking. 

You might think THIS IS COMPLICATED! It is just a habit that you have to build and by 6 pm you will be drinking 64 ounces of water a day to get to your 87 ounces per day goal.

You have to get a huge water bottle and lug it around everywhere you go and drink it every 5-10 minutes. 

You’re hydrating your skin when you’re doing this and you’re also taking a break and practicing mindfulness when doing so. I also love to drink water when I am feeling a case of anxiety and having a hard time calming down or having a difficult moment with people; instead of reacting, I just drink my water.

This is one of the best jugs on the market that I found and I truly do enjoy it because of its size the ability to keep things cold and the fact that you can also purchase the drinking spout.

If you think that drinking water is boring; I am going to spice up your life and your morning routine.

You can add Alkaline Water (8 drops-if you purchase the same water bottle above) be careful with Alkaline Water Drops-8 is the limit you need to be drinking per day as you don’t want to be drinking bleach!

Now if you want to have flavor in the water you can go ahead and add Lime into the water; what I love to do when I am picking up my favorite scotch, is to pick up these squeeze lime things and add them into the water.

They work out great especially when I do not have any limes or lemons available.


How many calories do you have to cut per day to lose weight?

We all want to lose weight by a certain time frame and that is okay. I remember counting weeks and saying to myself, okay two pounds per week is this much added and then getting to 16 pounds. I was excited, however, disappointed when I would fall short of meeting my goals. 

It was until I started studying to become a personal trainer that I truly understood how many calories I need to cut out PER DAY and PER WEEK to meet my goal. Notice, that I didn’t focus on macro counting rather, I just used an app to count my calories. 

Now, before you try to Google something and get a fake answer let’s go back to Math class and let me give you the formula that teaches you how to fish.

If an individual weighs 171 pounds and wants to weigh 127 pounds; how much weight do they need to lose?

171 pounds -127 pounds= 44 pounds (EASY TO LOSE BTW!)

(PLEASE NOTE: If this individual, does not like high-stress environments or high-stressed diet plans and already has made a significant change in the Confidently Healthy reinvention program (following my blogs-check out the resource tab and truly changed their subconscious beliefs and is already working out daily; we can aim for 6 months)

6 months=44 pounds equals 26 weeks 



3,500-846=2,653 CALORIES PER DAY is still a LOT of FOOD TO EAT!

1 pound of body fat is equal to 3,500 

Desired Weight Loss Pounds You Want To Lose X 3,500 kcal/pounds DIVIDED BY # Weeks (You Want to Lose this Weight) = Weekly Caloric Deficit 

Weekly Caloric Deficit DIVIDED BY 7 Days/ Week= Daily Caloric Deficit

How simple is that? That means you have to simply download MyFitnessPal; and track your protein, veggies, and fruit intake daily.

Here is the thing everyone eats something different. If you’re looking for a body type like mine; then you should consider eating Caribbean food that is homemade.

You then can add fish and the such. 


Walking cures it all

You have to walk more than 10,000 steps per day to lose weight; walk 15,000 step

It took me years to realize that I had to walk every single day to keep off weight and lose weight; it doesn't matter about the distance it matters about the emphasis and the amount of time I walk per day.


10,000 steps per day are the MINIUM AMOUNT you SHOULD BE walking PER DAY! 15,000 TO 20,000 STEPS PER DAY is the average you should be walking to START LOSING WEIGHT and to maintain the weight off.

For instance, if you started walking 20,000 steps a day and lose 55 pounds you can then range to 10,000 to 12,000 to maintain your weight loss. 

Macros suck

Use a tractor but focus more on protein, veggies, and fruit.

I know this is a shocker, however, I achieved this massive body compensation change without counting a single macro. To be honest, I couldn’t do it due to the massive mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual stress that I was going through. 

What I did was Intermediate Fasting and focused on protein, veggies, and fruits then I started using the My Fitness Pal App. (IT'S FREE!)


Emotions and Mental Clarity

Release negative emotions and ask yourself why you feel this way.

Your weight is a direct reflection of the mental and emotional stress that you’re holding within your body. If you do not work on releasing the toxins within your body and your mind; you’re always going to stay stuck in the past.

It's not your responsibility once you forgive yourself and apologize to others to be confined to the past.

Once you forgive yourself for the past; and you learn how to let go you can then go ahead and reinvent yourself into a new beginning. 

Reinvent Yourself 

You’re not lying to yourself; this is the new you.

Unfortunately, people lose weight and then gain the weight back causing a yo-yo effect, that you need to get off. You’re most likely thinking about how to get off the yo-yo dieting effect.

Once you have forgiven yourself; you can then start building the new you. A new career, a new diet, a new family, new self-love, new finances, and a new self-image. 

Ask yourself; what habits, rituals, and routines is your new self implementing and living in their new life?

Are you even working for anyone?

Document Everything

Celebrate the process and progress


If there is one thing that I regret not doing; is documenting the process of my weight loss journey. 

Although, I tried to hide it on my Youtube channel-there were many things I had to go through however, physically, I wished I didn’t hide so much and document the journey.

Such as physical photo changes each week, weekly youtube videos with beauty content, and my workouts to show people that I didn’t get a BBL!

Document everything-I know weight loss is such a heavy topic, however, you never know who you’re inspiring in the process!


Click this video to watch my journey!

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