How to Start Healing Your Digestive System

If you’re new around here; I have been having trouble with my gut for a while primarily bloating and relief until I developed a solid routine and healed key things and decided that I was not going to live this way anymore.

If you’re interested in how you heal your digestive system to have a flatter stomach this will be the blog post for you and you can also check out the youtube video for you that is linked down below with additional products.



Your digestive system and your mind are vital and it has been scientifically proven that your mind is directly related to your gut and contributes to your gut health. I want you to think about the last time you were sick mentally; how you were feeling in your stomach how did you feel?

If you’re stressed and filled with tension that is all the stomach will experience and it cannot relieve itself because mentally you are in another place.

This is where breathing exercises such as inner child healing breath work 7-5-4 (breath in for 7-hold of 5-breath out for 4) will work for you to help release the gas within your stomach: as well calm your mind of the stressors that caused you to develop the stress within the first place.

You also want to develop the mindset that you will never be here again and that food is not something to be ashamed about however, to develop a better relationship so you can heal from it.

Physical Movement

One small tip to help you heal your digestive system is to create a strong physical movement routine that will help you move around the food that is stored within your body. Oftentimes you eat and then you sit there and just keep eating this is not how life is supposed to be nor is it a healthy way to be as you keep mindlessly eating food that is usually not good for you.

Timing your workouts before or after you eat is vital for proper digestion-however if your schedule does not allow it or you feel too confined to always being on the move you do want to work on being dedicated to walking at least 30 minutes per day and then develop a longer walking routine as you progress.


Your mindset should be food doesn’t make me fat and unhealthy but my thoughts do. Developing a healthier positive relationship with food will start to help you to free yourself of the bondage that the less food that you eat the more weight you lose.

My mom had this mindset and instead of losing weight she always gained weight-you need to eat food to fuel yourself and give her a life force for your life just as drinking water is a form of life.

When you heal the relationship that you have with the food you’re healing the relationship you have with your family because no one wants to be around the table with someone who complains about how much you eat or don’t eat.



This is where things took a change for me; although, I healed my relationship with food and worked on my thoughts. I finally realized I needed a bit of help as my digestive system was still being impacted by the things around me.

Vitamins a vital as many times we do not get the proper vitamins through our food intake and thus have to manually have results to outside help; which is fine just keep in mind that vitamins are an added touch to vegetables, not a substitution.

In the morning; you want to begin with a full water bottle and I often suggest propel as that has electrolytes that your body skips out from when sleeping the night before.

Plus they taste great!

Something that you have to start consuming no matter how many veggies you eat per day is magnesium in the morning or evening it does not matter. Nevertheless, if you have trouble using the restroom or have immense stomach pains then taking a magnesium per day ( I take two in the morning) will help you with your muscles in the stomach plus ease the rest of your muscle pain.

If you’re constantly experiencing bloating; which comes from holding stress, anxiety, and worry in then you want to go ahead and start drinking L-glutamine powder that will help you decrease and often remove bloating from your stomach to reveal those beautiful abs of yours.

The trick is to calm down and slow down because if you can’t do it slowly then you can’t do it fast.

When you go slow, you end up going fast.

The next thing that you show purchase is the Calm drink which is a powder liquid magnesium that will help you use the restroom-think of it as a softer version of magnesium citrate. 

If you don’t know what magnesium citrate is for-it truly pushes out everything you have within your intestines; however, if you drink too much of it it can backtrack on you. Therefore you want to use this only if you desperately needed as it makes you dehydrated and dehydration is always the root cause of problems.

Your goal should be drinking a gallon of water a day; hopefully, drinking Alkaline and PH water -this is a great water bottle to start your journey that was the best investment for myself and my health journey.

The last thing I am going to suggest for you was something that I couldn’t believe to be true until I tried it and it helped take away the sweet craving that I was so dependent on. 

It was papaya enzyme with chlorophyll tablets that were amazing because they have everything that I need in regards to fruit and chlorophyll and help with decreasing bloating this is what you want to eat after you are done eating.

This is what helped me with my digestion and the pain in my stomach.
