The Best Supplements to Take While You're Going to the Gym

So, you decided to get Confidently Healthy and you’re looking for the best supplements in a very saturated crowd; look no further because I got you! 

You might be inclined to go to Amazon to purchase your items however, I want you to pause and break because many of the items there are filled with chalk and are not from the exact vendor.

Now that you have been warned; you are most likely thinking is there a direct brand that you can trust, that has bulk supplements so you don’t have to shop all the time (max three months turn around) then take no further Bulk Supplements got you!


However, you’re most likely asking yourself what supplements should you be taking? I lost 67 pounds with these exact supplements; here you will learn the exact play by play when to take them and how to take them.

First, you should always be taking BCAA, BCAA are amazing for you because they have amino acids- BCAA are found in dairy and in meat so this is not something fake within your body.

BCAA are taking by athletes and bodybuilders as endurance supplements so if you’re drinking this you’re taking this because you want endurance to make sure that you’re not slacking off, assist with muscle recovery, and promote muscle endurance. 

If you want to do the following then the BCAA is for you! 

  • Help build muscle strength and endurance

  • Assist with muscle recovery

  • Help maintain healthy blood sugar levels

  • Help maintain weight

  • Support the liver



The next thing that you need is Creatine! There are many versions of Creatine but what exactly is Creatine? If you are having sore muscles and/or really looking to prevent that make sure to add a least a scoop; however, one thing that you need to keep in mind that my bad did not come with a scoop so what I used is a spoon. 

It worked.

Creatine is commonly taken by athletes and bodybuilders it is a staple for workouts; creatine is among the most well-researched and effective supplements that will help you with cognitive function and support the brain. 

The best thing about creatine it is effective for you regardless of the fitness level you’re at so this is something that I started to take after I lost 67 pounds using the Confidently Healthy methods. 

If you’re looking to: 

  • Promote weight gain (muscle mass) 

  • Help boost anaerobic strength

  • Support the brain and cognitive function

  • Improve muscle recovery time

  • Energy and endurance booster

  • May help with Parkinson’s disease

Omega 3

The next thing that you need you need to implement is OMEGA 3 6 9 supplements! These are amazing because they are important for healthy body function. Omega-3 and omega-6 are polyunsaturated fats that are not created by the body and must be acquired from the diet. Omega-9 is a monounsaturated fat that is made by the body.

These supplements that Bulk Supplements make it easy for it to get.

It also helps you give you that lean muscle look so be sure not to skip out on these vitamins. Now you’re most likely, wondering what is it made of? It is made with fish and botanical oils because these are made with healthy omega fatty acids, fish, and botanical oils. 

Please keep in mind that these are soft gels.  If you’re looking to benefit heart health,  mood, reduce inflammation, contribute to healthy lung function, and immune function, and join health then these are vitamins for you.  

Take a look at more specifics. 

  • Source of omega fatty acids

  • Supports the cardiovascular system

  • Promotes healthy mood

  • Works to support healthy brain function

  • Benefits lung health

  • Fortifies the joints

  • Helps promote healthy immune function


Vitamin D

Now the last thing that you need is Vitamin D especially if you’re not getting enough sun; this also doesn’t mean the tanning bed. 

Please note if you do a tanning bed; please just stay there for 5 minutes. Vitamin D is also known as Cholecalciferol and helps to fortify the bones, promotes heart health, and supports immune function.

Vitamin D ads to cognitive function, promote healthy mood, and supports a healthy brain function.

A couple of extra things that it adds to are the following:

  • Fortify the bones

  • Support heart health and immune function

  • Aid cognitive and mental function

  • Improve muscle mass

  • Aid weight loss

  • Works in maintaining healthy mood

  • Reduce muscle and joint pain

  • Increases testosterone

I take a Vitamin D every morning or every evening! 


Now you’re most likely, wondering what about protein? If you’re eating enough protein throughout the day then you really don’t need to add additional protein however, if you must please consider this protein. (which you can add to pancakes).

You should consider egg white protein over whey protein because of gas tbh (from my experience).

It does come from the uncooked egg and it is unflavored in tase and has a bit of a creamy taste. You can add this everything; even smoothies! 

Now what are the benefits? It has fewer carbohydrates than whey and contains no fat and has about 25g of protein per serving and has no lactose or soy. 

You can expect to receive support in your muscles, aid recovery after working out, maintaining a healthy weight and it is very rich in minerals.

This is the foundation of what you need to have in your diet so be sure not to miss out on enriching your life and living a Confidently Healthy life.


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