The best cheat sheet to having essential health and not having massive storage of vitamins

Are you looking for the best vitamins to take this year, however, are overwhelmed with the number of vitamins to take because everyone is saying take this or that?

In this blog post; you’re going to learn the exact vitamins to take this year in order to enhance your natural beauty because beauty comes from within and that comes through taking care of your health.

I have taken multiple vitamins; and spent a lot of money and this blog post is to help you to save money and streamline your process in vitamin taking to help you to increase your health.

Why should you take vitamins?

Vitamins are not only essential to your health; such as relieving bloating, and helping with your digestive tract, but as well attain a healthy life overall that appears physical that helps with your self-confidence and your self-image.

Matter of fact; if you do not take vitamins-are highly essential with water retention and achieving a healthier weight.

In this blog post, we are going to speak about the best vitamin supplements that you have to take in order to look gorgeous through health within.

The one thing that you have to keep in mind is shopping for vitamins that are safe on your digestive tract and digestive system that also help your fiber intake.

The best part is many vitamins help to get rid of bloating along with getting rid of processed foods and relieving water retention that increases rapid weight gain.



If you're looking to achieve healthy skin, hair, nails-even bones to a healthy glow you need a healthy amount of collagen.

Your body is the greatest source of collagen. Your hair needs it, your skin needs it, and your bones need it.

Potassium-rich foods sometimes do not give you enough collagen thus taking powder or capsules will help you to meet your goals.

How to take collagen.

You can even take collagen in coffee each morning; which I am in love with as it gives you a nice coconut coffee blend.

Nowadays there are many ways to take collagen and I will share the most effective ways to drink this for you to achieve healthy hair and skin. 

Collagen Powder

I am in love with this powder from Vital Proteins and that this has about 20g of collagen which is amazing.

I use this about 1-2 a week in my coffee to spice up my life: I usually drink dark coffee without sugar, however, this is a great way to really enjoy the morning outside enjoying nature.

This is a great way to start your day that also grabs and attains your protein goals that does not produce a bloated feeling or bloated belly.

Collagen Vitamins 

Collagen Vitamins are the most uncomfortable way to drink collagen vitamins as they are many variations of milligrams of collagen to take.

They are also very large that can sometimes cause a little bit of irritation in the gi tract and digestive system.

At times it causes intestinal gas and abdominal bloating within the gi tract that is caused by backed-up processed foods and sugar alcohols that would later cause stomach pain.

I really enjoy taking the powder version rather than vitamins instead of vitamins, as who wants to drink so many vitamins per day; nevertheless, if you do not enjoy the powder vitamins are the best thing to take; as they are the only thing to take.

What does collagen do?

According to science, collagen can be seen as the glue that holds everything together. It is considered a protein, making up your skin and bone which also lines your intestines. 

Collagen also helps you of course look younger; what does this mean?

Science says that you lose collagen over time, however, when you properly take care of yourself you can rebuke science and defeat this. 

How much collagen should you take?

5 g to 30 g per day.

That means only one serving a day will get you closer to your bombshell goals.

You should be taking this daily or three times a week.


If you’re looking to help your muscle develop, preserve your bones and prevent migraines-magnesium is the thing that you need in order to get and consume daily. 

Magnesium is not only good for your physical body; it is also great for your internal body; which means reduces stress, improves sleep, and helps you with giving calm. (of course; with a healthy balance of life)

Magnesium; also helps get rid of bloating and reduce bloating, as well as water retention within your body.

I take magnesium to reduce abdominal pain and stretch my abdominal muscles; as I do abs every morning.

You should take magnesium daily; especially, if you’re working out daily-please use a healthy workout and natural healthy lifestyle.

Please don’t skip out on this vitamin; as it works well with lactose-intolerant individuals and even helps with individuals who have too much intestinal gas.

Side note; if you need help with your blood flow magnesium.

Fiber Intake

You would be surprised to see how many people do not take fiber and if you’re trying to lose weight and not taking this vitamin you’re setting yourself back.

Fiber helps you process the food in the stomach and helps relieve the bloat that is within the body. 

I love fiber because I used to have so much backed up within my stomach (which inside my blog, I teach that this is pent-up emotions within the body).

Having poor digestion is a result of not having fiber-rich foods that are essential to living a balanced diet.

If you have excess gas and are on a mission to reduce bloating; you have to take your fiber as it helps within the digestive process along with eating healthy snacks.


Keeping in mind eating foods that have health claims that are positive: such as high in protein, veggies, and healthy carbs will help you with your bloated stomach.

In reducing bloating; there is not an amount of too much fiber but rather too much salt as salt contains sodium that can lead to high blood pressure.

There are ways to season certain foods however, that will be explained in another blog post for another day BUT be sure to subscribe to the email list so you don't miss out!


How to Get Rid of Bloating: A breakdown.

What causes bloating?

It's a big deal for anyone with bloating. FODMAPs are the culprits for this. While you might hope for a simple reason why your stomach bloats, the reason for that is complicated.

One reason is that you do not eat slowly and you're swallowing air which then causes gas production within your stomach that often leads to trapped gas.

Excess air in the stomach is easy to relieve as it is often leading to excess gas; however, with these small tips you're on your way to showcase your muscles.

Watch your salt intake

If you have trouble swallowing food after eating salty food, it can cause your stomach to become bloated. This will reduce your body weight and reduce puffiness as well as your heart and blood pressure - good news. I think that it will reduce bloating. He suggests buying freshly cut and dried meat instead of buying prepackaged meat and vegetables, using saltshakers at dinner to make delicious spices, and prepare your own food from scratch rather than going out for a meal.

You may still be asking, why is my stomach bloated?

Some stomach problems may occur.

Use essential oils

The results were obtained through a clinical trial using fennel extract and Curcuma oil in patients who had mild-to-moderate ibs. Those who remained with IBS for at least 30 days reported improvements to their symptoms.

What I did in order to heal from my IBS was to use the peppermint Bar oil that is filled with peppermint oil.

I would put it on each day and each night to reduce bloating and that bloating feeling that helps relieve bloating.

If you're suffering from a bloated stomach or your stomach acid is making your bloating worse or you're suffering from irritable bowel syndrome then apply this peppermint oil blend from The Peppermint Bar.

This peppermint oil from the Peppermint Bar will reduce that belly bloat and also help you start your day with proper digestion with the following tips.

Don't skip the skin on fruits!

Fruits, including apples or pear, contain soluble fiber, the kind of fiber which helps with digestion and moves the food through your body.

Munching this fruit with skin intact can help to increase bowel weight as well as increase bowel movement, and abdominal bloating and reduce that bloated feeling.

When you're eating fresh fruits you're taking time away from eating processed foods that ruin your gi tract that damages your digestive system.

How can I debloat naturally?

Here are 10 simple ways to reduce your bloating. Take note whether your travel is to your place of residence or to work. All kinds of things are working!

Try Digestive Enzymes

A diet supplement that contains amino acids and enzymes such as amino acid lipase acetate and proteolysis may help to reduce abdominal pain quickly. This ingredient helps to support digestion and reduces the gas produced. It can help relieve digestive upset if you take digestive enzyme supplements prior to meals. Enzymes aid in digestion by helping to prevent indigestion and, in turn, excess diarrhea.

You can shop all my favorites within my Amazon page here.

Try gas relief capsules

Simethicone pill and liquid is an effective antigas treatment for the elimination of excess moisture in the digestive tract. Take your medication as directed in your prescription. It's easy for a man to buy a gas reliever at the drug store.

Fill up on probiotics

Some of our probiotics can cause digestive discomfort and stomach upset, but eating nutrient dense foods that are loaded with the nutrients will make a big difference for us, according to Courtney Schuchmann, RD. It's incredibly easy to get probiotics and it can help you with weight loss and health. You can also consume fermented foods, such as sauerkraut or things like kombucha and kefir — just be very cautious.

Try yoga poses

In some yoga postures, the abdominal muscles become more prone to release gastrointestinal gases in excess. It reduces bloating. Pose, Happy Child Pose and squats can all assist in relieving the build up of gas quickly. Get a good overview of yoga poses and flexibility.

Rule out medical conditions

Bloating can sometimes result from medical conditions. For people experiencing bloating, a doctor should help determine the cause. Inflammation in the bowel can be caused by gastrointestinal disorders including Crohns disease, ulceration, or bowel disease. Symptoms such as diarrhoea, vomiting, and nausea are common in the IBS population. Surgical problems may cause stomach swelling and abdominal cramps. The symptoms are discussed with the physician and the physician will also need information on family history and related medical conditions.


Skip the beans today

Unless you feel like eating legumes or beans for a few hours, don't go back. Do not avoid it if your health is not good. If you're feeling bloated, get out there! Yes, chickpeas and beans are delicious and a great source of nutrients but it can cause belly bloating. In soybeans for example, oligosaccharides are good for strengthening immunity but can also increase gas buildup in intestinal tracts.

Does bloating cause weight gain and a big stomach?

Bloating causes body fat, but it is generally around 2 pounds a month. We will look deeper. If your belly bloating increases weight, this may simply be the result of eating more and your digestive system needs some help.

Naturally, when people consume too much they gain weight. Are you searching for a diet hack? Watch me for some amazing tips! Often times when people experience bloating due to PMS, too much potassium and too much sodium it seems like you have lost weight within minutes.

Drink lemon water in the morning

Lemon is the best natural way for you to remove waste. It's also known to be an effective diuretic and helps eliminate toxins and waste from our blood and intestines. This will also prevent bloating or constipation. Add an orange peel to eight cups cold water each morning after breakfast to help with defroat.

Add Ginger and Lemon to Your Water

Ginger tea has great anti-bloating properties. We love fresh turmeric, ginger and lime juice in the juice and we love it." Scott and Dawn say besides reducing menstrual pain, menstruation pain may also help relieve symptoms that occur during pregnancy. 25.

Increase fiber gradually

Eating a lot of fiber can help reduce constipation and bloating. Most Americans do not have access to enough fiber, and only 5 percent meet the recommended fiber intake for women. It's important to note that excessive dietary fiber may result in gas. Some people notice gastrointestinal upset if they eat fewer calories a week. The recommended way to increase dietary fibre intake is to slowly and gradually increase over several weeks so the body can adjust to these changes of diet.

Aim for a few small meals each day

Unless you wait a few hours before eating it will result in overeating. During a recent study, Dr. Bechtold found that eating a few small meals a day can help reduce an awkwardly distorted belly.

Avoid High-Fiber Foods

Experts say introducing fiber into your food can enhance your wellbeing, but too much may actually lead to backfires. Consequently, while increasing the intake of fiber may increase bloating rather than decreasing it if dietary habits change over time as the weight gain decreases. When you experience chronic constipation or diarrhea diets can be very helpful to reduce the effects. Using high-fibre food can help reduce stomach bloating, says New York dietitian Tamara Duke.


Are you always cold? Are you always wanting to cover up and bundle up? This is because you have an iron deficiency. 

Iron is found in red meats and seafood; if you’re not eating these two things you’re more than likely to have an iron deficiency 

You should be taking iron once in the morning.

Vitamin D 

Do you not want to be in the sun or are you avoiding the sun? Do you need help with muscle function, bone function, and immune function?

Then you should take Vitamin D DAILY! 

Vitamin D is essential amazing, especially, if you’re trying to prevent getting sick; I see a difference when in my muscle definition when I take this vitamin. 

Apple Cider Vinger Gummies 

Now, you’re most likely why do you need gummies when you’re taking fiber vitamins; as previously stated earlier?

As you can see earlier; I stated to not take the fiber vitamins in the morning; as these vitamins are STRONG.

The Apple Cider Vinger Gummies are the best thing to take in the morning and this is what you should focus on taking in the morning. 

The reason why you should focus on taking these gummies in the morning is because you have the fiber tables within you from the PM now you will have the Apple Cider Vinger gummies in the morning; USUALLY, your fiber tablets will kick in as soon as you wake up you will need to use the restroom. 

The Apple Cider Vinegar gummies will help you to relieve the bloat after the fiber as finished its job.

These are all the vitamins that you need to take! It is very important to know what vitamins to take and why to take them as it will help you save money and really impact your health goals in the future.


natasha giselaTHE ONLY VITAMINS YOU NEED TO HAVE IN 2023, of vitamins, vitamins, what are the best vitamins to take, why should you take vitamins?, collagen, collagen vitamins, magnesium, fiber intake, what is the best fiber vitamin to take?, how to get rid of bloating?, what causes bloating?, how to use essential oils, the peppermint oil, digestive enzymes, gas relief capsules, probiotics, renew life, digest more enzymes, how to get a flat stomach?, does bloating cause weight gain?, how to increase fiber gradually, iron, iron tablet, vitamin d, vitamin d vitamins, what are the best vitamin d vitamisn to take, apple cider vinger gummies, how to look more youthful, get rid of bloating, best vitamin supplements, digestive tract, digestive system, fiber intakegi tract, reduce bloating, get rid of blating, processed food, sugar alcohols, water retention, bloated feeling, dairy foods, intestinal gas, stomach pain, stomach acid, intestinal gas help, relieve bloating, blood flow, abdominal bloating, stomach bloating, bloating worse, bloated stomach, carbonated beverages, abdominal pain, abdominal muscles, too much fiber, too much salt, lactose intolerant, potassium rich foods, irritable bowel syndrome, certain foods, stomach bloated, excess air, weight gain, ginger tea, rapid weight gain, gas relief capsules that work, health claims, belly bloat, fiber rich foods, proper digestion, digestive enzymeschronic constipation, healthy snacks, gas produciton, reducing bloating, digestive process, excess gas, balanced diet, bloated belly help, bloated belly relief, poor digestion, salt intakeComment