How to be Happier 

How to create your inner happiness

Before I give you tips on how to be happy. Ask yourself why you’re not happy?

Is it because of your situation? Are you bored? Are you comparing yourself on Instagram again thinking that everyone is a celebrity?

Seriously ask yourself these questions because half of life is grinding it out and working toward your goals and working at an organization to support your goals so you might as well enjoy the place you work at.


Number 1-

Understand that you’re not stuck. You can work at changing your situation little by little, day by day starting with the smallest step starting right now!

The first thing you can do is ask yourself if you’re even healthy mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually to embark on what you’re even trying to do? 

Are you living in the future? Are you living in your reality? Are you creating your imagination in your reality?

These are all questions to ask yourself, because a lot of what not being happy is; is living in our minds of thinking stories in our head and creating madness.

This is unhealthy because we are not allowing ourselves to truly go for what we want to create.

We must take action toward our goals by taking small daily steps.

It can look like by writing a blog post, taking a walk, applying for a job, reaching out to a career coach, asking for help for a resume writing service, SOMETHING! Just move toward your goal. 


Number 2.

Make a plan, I teach you how to make a plan in my course-but if you’re struggling to  make a plan, ask yourself what makes you happy and go from there. 

Remember, happiness is a condition and is external so you need to understand that regardless of the outcome you will be happy regardless if you get the outcome or not. We are just helping you move forward in life.

Number 3

Choose joy. 

Life is about the process and the joy of committing to the goals and standards that you choose to set for yourself, not the outcome itself-how would it feel for you to actually achieve something that you always wanted to achieve? 

Joy is internal. Joy comes from within not comparing yourself to others and not doing things for others.

Joy is doing things for yourself and joy is doing things for YOUR path. Joy is marching to your own drum. That is joy.

Becoming happier starts with getting off Instagram, enjoying the journey, investing in yourself and raising your standards. 

I teach you how to do this inside my new program Confidently Healthy where I help you create a new outlook in life so you can become healthier and happier mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually. 


I would love to see you inside!
