7 Tips to Live a Happier Life

Hey everyone! In this blog post, we are going to dive deep into living a happier life mentally, physically and spiritually the Confidently Healthy way!

We all want to escape the 9-5 grind, live life on our own terms, and be free but in the journey we have to understand we have to take care of ourselves in the now. 

That’s why, I’m giving you 7 tips to help you live a happier life.

  1. Eat nourishing food. ...

  2. Sleep eight to nine hours a night. ...

  3. Keep company with good people. ...

  4. Avoid news overdose. ...

  5. Get regular exercise. ...

  6. Do something meaningful each day. ...

  7. Think good thoughts for others.


Eat nourishing food.


Have you asked yourself what are you eating? Or heard the famous term you are what you eat?


You have to look at your plate of food each day and ask yourself if the food on the plate is bringing you closer to what you want? Is it giving you a more rich and nutritious body so you can create what you want to create in this life?


Eating nourishing foods looks like eating protein and veggies at every meal and skipping over the doughnuts (although at this moment and time I’m very guilty of eating doughnuts-so don’t worry it happens!)


If you want more help in learning how I lost 50 pounds and 17% body fat then you can click to enroll inside the Confidently Healthy course today!

Sleep eight to nine hours a night.


How many hours are you sleeping? The required hours of sleeping are eight to nine hours a day. Sleeping is essential to having great skin and to regulate your emotions. No one likes an emotional wreck. 


Sleeping is an essential part of life and learning to only concentrate on what is going to drive everything forward in your life, business and in your family is the key to life.


You must learn how to prioritize-what is important to you.


Ask yourself what is important and do what is necessary you’re trying to acquire then get your sleep so you can enjoy what you’re trying to achieve. 


 Keep company with good people.


No one likes a downer so why are you hanging out with a downer? If you’re trying to become someone different then you have to do something different and that is to hang out with new people.


Ask yourself who do you want to be, who does that person hang out with? How does that person think and then do that thing-daily.


You must begin to tell yourself that; daily.


Avoid news overdose


This is something that might rub you the wrong way but do you really have to read the news? 


The news is filled with things that are meant to distract you from what is really important and that is your goals. Your goals are what is most important to you, nothing else, nothing more-you must buckle down and focus-daily.


I’m not saying not to be informed but you can simply ask someone what is happening in the news you don’t have to be in depth in the news.


Get regular exercise


How many times per week are you moving your body? How many times per day are you moving your body?


Inside the Confidently Healthy course, I give you my game plan on how I lost 50 pounds and 17% body fat through emotional healing and my physical movement plan which involves lots of gym classes which I love! 


However, another thing that I love is walking right before I go into work! Walking is such a powerful tool to clear your mind and meditate to get some great ideas into your system.


The key is to do it consistently and daily. This is the key to a happier life moving each and every single day. 


Do something meaningful each day


There is a difference between happiness and fulfillment. Fulfillment means you actually pursued something that was scary and you actually held yourself accountable to achieve the goal.


This is what you want to accomplish in this life-happiness is always in the now. Happiness is never in the future or in the past.


It is in the now.


Think good thoughts for others.


We know about thinking good thoughts for ourselves but what about others? Thinking the best of others is a projection magnet for bringing the best possible things for yourself.


Think about it, you don’t want people thinking bad about you? So why do you want to think bad about them? People pick up on your energy-so think good thoughts-and force yourself to think good thoughts!