How to Cure Your Mental Health With a Health and Beauty Routine

We know that mental health is a struggle- our emotions are in our head and we are just not living the life we want to live.

Consumerism is everywhere and Confidently Healthy is a part of the consumerism cycle but wanting to change that narrative to a positive change because items are meant to be used for our good.


In this blog post, I am going to help you change the way you look at things in regards to being a consumer to a creator by helping you create healthy routines that you keep mentally stable.

First, let's go in by saying that having a healthy skincare routine keeps you mentally stable because your skin is a reflection of yourself mentally, physically emotionally, and spiritually. 

Why does it?


Because it is the KEY FOUNDATION of your body! Remember your skin is the largest organ of your body is your skin. 

When you’re looking to set up anything in your life you want to ask yourself how is this going to be around my new identity and my new mental health for the life I want to live?

The key thing that is going to put you above your old self is the systems, habits, and routines that you’re dedicated to each and every day because you’re constructing a new you.

Your depression is a sail indicating that it is a part of your old you wanting to change into the new you. Use it as a change because life comes from you, not to you.

Your beauty and skincare routine is the part of the new you because you’re deciding to put yourself first because your beauty and skincare routine is the way you present yourself to the world. 

If your new here-we are always speaking about how you are always in a sales and marketing position with yourself-you just have to position yourself in the environment that you want to be in. 

You’re the star of your own show and your the one radiating kindness and in order to do that you have to radiant kindness each and every single day to yourself first.

Inside my Confidently Healthy program, I teach you how to create the best systems, habits, and routines that will lead you to create a Confidently Healthy, way of living to help you get out of the depression and live a happier and healthier life.

One thing that you can easily take from the signature program is when you’re doing your skincare routine ask yourself what you did amazing these past couple of days?

I am sure you did something amazing these past couples of days that surprised you it could have been little but little things add up if you keep going and do not stop; it is the same thing with creating an effective skincare routine and beauty routine.

How you’re skincare routine and your beauty routine grounds you is that you can take these couple of moments to ask yourself how you’re doing, reflect on what you have done in the past, or even give yourself positive affirmations.

It really does sadden me when I come across someone who thinks they have to spend thousands of dollars on skincare when they don’t that they can fix themselves through the power of their own word with the methods I teach inside Confidently Healthy. 


This is one of the easiest ways to benefit from a health and beauty routine when you’re battling depression and mental health.

Having my skincare and beauty routine was one of the pivotal ways that I lost 67 pounds in one year through the mind, body, and spirit.