We hear a lot about mental health and mental illness in America but what about mindset? What if I told you that having both checked in place is the key to having a healthy foundation in life.

In this blog post, we are going to go over what is identify the terminology, the difference between the two, why unlocking a positive + growth mindset is the key to a successful life, checking in with your mental health, and why having a strong foundation in both is the key to a successful life.

What is the difference between mental health and mindset?

When people speak about mental health they are referring to mental illness bipolar disorder etc. This is diagnosed by medical professionals ONLY and NEVER a coach please do not try to hire a coach thinking they can diagnose you THEY CANNOT and SHOULD NOT just because they took some psychology classes in college.


Mindset is the outlet and how you look at things and I always say when you change the way you look at things the things you look at change. 

Having a positive mindset is key and the fundamental root to having a positive human experience. 

 Why Unlocking a Positive + Growth Mindset is the key to a Successful Life

Why changing the way you look at things is the key and fundamental embodiment in living a fulfilling life.

Life can be challenging but it is not hard; it is challenging and when it does become that way you need to learn how to refocus, develop discipline, and execute daily or not time is going to pass you by and you’re going to be stuck in that waitressing job that you loathe.


This only comes from developing a positive and growth mindset that understands you only get one shot so you might as well go for your goals because it is not going to kill you.

Developing a mindset like this, penetrates your mind into thinking what is the worst thing that can happen into what is the best thing that can happen for me?


You have to learn how to change the way to look at things so the things you look at change. 

If you mess up something at work, it is okay to ask for help you’re only human you’re not a robot what do your think your bosses expect from you perfection?

A developing a positive mindset, means you know that everything works out for your good and that you know that you’re divinely guided and protected that nothing can stand in the way that is meant for you. 

AKA NO ONE can take what is yours by divine right.

Why having a strong foundation in both is the key to a successful life

We can agree that life has challenges but most of them are made up in your head especially when you catch it becomes a game like a game of chess. 

You must tell your mind what is going to happen and what you’re going to do. The sole purpose of the mind is for manifestation purposes. Begin to tell it what you want and it will go ahead and put people in the creation process.

Having a strong mindset and outlook on life means that despite you failing a couple of times you WILL pick yourself back up and make things better. 

Because you understand that time always moves despite you moving or not-so why would you stay stagnant?

I rather take small steps every day in silence toward my goals to build the future that I want so I can become prosperous years down the line.

Your mental health is essential because this is science and you’re the only one responsible for that EVEN if a doctor recommends something you MUST QUESTION if this is ALIGNED WITH YOU?

Just because they suggest something doesn’t mean I necessarily go with it, I always trust my intuition and seek another source if I need be. 

How to Improve Mental Health

Now if you’re looking to IMPROVE mental health which I hope that you are! :D I want you to understand that the journey begins with the first step and you must be consistent with it or you will never reach your destination.


You want to first begin by examining your thoughts and looking at what’s going on there. For instance, if it is money worries that you will never get out of this economic position although you are doing everything for your business then you need to understand those thoughts are like waves. 

You do not have to entertain them. 

Ask them why they are there? What are they showing you? Are they showing you to be more consistent? More dedicated to your goals?

The next thing you want to do is start off by shopping around to find the best therapist through your health insurance or through my favorite app called VIDA. 

I usually recommend going to therapy once a week at the same time to keep the schedule easy and not to confuse anything with work. 

Also, you don’t have to tell anyone what you’re doing at work so don’t even bother-just say I have a doctor’s apt and that is that. 

You can check an employment lawyer for finer details.

The next thing I want you to begin to do is to start off by walking and drinking water every day-mental illness is a serious thing but if you’re not doing these two things then you’re shooting yourself in the foot. 

How Social Media Affects Mental Health

We were not programmed to know what some girl in Australia is doing at 3 am in the morning. Social Media needs to be a place that you either use to escape yourself from consumerism and/or capitalism or a place you get inspiration from to be the best person in YOUR life.

Each day it is you vs YOU.

What are you choosing to do? Are you going to let your life only be 9-5 then choose to scroll right after work or create something daily by actively participating in the conscious thing of life?

I remember when I was having a huge mania attack and I was so scared of a poster for a Netflix film that I had to block the main character because he was showing up on the timeline too much; what does this do?


If that is the only thing that you’re seeing then that becomes the only thing you think about-as we clearly explain earlier YOU are in control of your thoughts. 

When you are on social media the next time I want you to do is to consciously look for things that are going to create the reality you want TWO YEARS FROM TODAY.

If you’re looking for a new house, start looking at new houses the same for cars. What you are looking at is what you create so create something amazing.