Are you partner with the Miss Universe organization?

No, we are completely separate from the Miss Universe Organization. While the Miss Universe Organization promotes Confidently Beautiful, in pageantry that is not body inclusive.

At Confidently Healthy we promote the importance of staying Confidently Healthy and being confident in no matter what stage of your life you’re in. We believe that everyone woman is beautiful and promote health as a form of beauty rather than your size number.

What is your industry market as an influencer?

Natasha Gisela is a lifestyle brand that focuses on wellness, beauty, travel and culture that gives the luxurious experience to our audience.

What do you do as an influencer?

Natasha Gisela focuses on promoting experiences that are luxurious, sustainable and is relatable so that your consumer can understand and think of innovated ways to use your brand in everyday life.

It is Natasha Gisela’s goal to promote your community + culture with the Confidently Healthy audience because as a business owner herself, Natasha Gisela understands the commitment that it takes to create a brand.


How do you run your brand?

In order for Natasha Gisela to promote something to our audience, Natasha Gisela must love the product/service and the relationship with the brand. We want Confidently Healthy’s audience to feel that they’re buying more than a product/service but a luxury experience that is catered to their needs.

How do you begin the process to work with Natasha Gisela from Confidently Healthy?

There are many different avenues and ways how to work with CH our main consistency is that product must be provided, compensation for promotion and experiences are in the budget of the brand and not Natasha Gisela of Confidently Healthy.

We also respect Uncle Sam.

What is your main goal and purpose as an influencer?

Natasha Gisela’s goal as influencer is transparency, it is her goal want to share her tribulations and showcase to the world that there is a light to every tunnel. Natasha Gisela wants to create a brand that people can escape to and read a story while picking up their favorite products backed by their favorite influencer who tells them that they can accomplish anything.