I raised $13,000 dollars in one month with less than 1500 followers using Confidently Wealthy’s sister brand Confidently Healthy.

I was able to invest in my retirement, savings, and in my business all at the same time and most importantly-I set up monetization systems in track to create a million dollar business plan to create my ultimate financial freedom-my way.

I went from a VERY burnt out and FRUSTRATED service provider going around in a hamster wheel without a plan, to creating a million dollar business plan with my own brand.

I personally landed $13,000 worth of sponsorships in one month and negotiated brand deals after brand deals that met both client and business satisfaction.

I went from going to paycheck to pay check to having 3 months worth of income sitting in my bank account while working a part-time job to get my full-time business up and running. 

I paid off $2,000 dollars in student loans while investing into my retirement and in my business.

Now, I’m going to show you how I did it with the Confidently Wealthy’s profitable + sustainable + actionable™️ framework and you have three courses to choose from based on your personal goals. 

I know there are many courses and coaches out there on the internet but there is no other business school like Confidently Wealthy’s™️-I created this school with the creative entrepreneur in mind this is a school by a creative for the creatives because let’s be real-you to deserve to be a Profitable Entrepreneur™️!


Who is the course for?

The building your million dollar business plan course is for individuals who want to create a low entry digital product for entry into entrepreneurship to sustain their creative goals. This individual doesn't want to work to hard and is focused on creating systems to expand their business. When Natasha Gisela created this course, her focus were creatives who have a following on social media and looking to capitalize and set themselves an industry leader and individuals who wanted create their own product shop but not spend so much money on investing into a product based business.

Will this course help my product and service-based business?

Although, Natasha Gisela brands herself as the passive income queen-this course did have the intention in helping creatives in the product and service-based industries create a million-dollar business plan by teaching them the business fundamentals and strategies in order to scale-sustainably.

Who is the Power of the Pitch course for?

This course is for content creators and creatives (actors, actors, singers, models, creatives, business professionals etc.) who have ever thought of working with a brand using their own name in conjunction with a marketing opportunity.

Will the Power of the Pitch prepare me to land big paying brand gigs?

This course will help you have the knowledge so you can better prepare a deal that meets both party satisfaction.

Will the Power of the Pitch™️ work for me?

If you’re prepared to work and implement everything Natasha Gisela teaches you-there is no room for failure but you have to be consistent and persistent in achieving results. 

Will the Money Management course work for me?

If you’re prepared to work and implement everything Natasha Gisela teaches you-there is no room for failure but you have to be consistent and persistent in achieving results. 

You also have to have the mind-frame that although the shoes and purses are great they are on hold till we manage what's coming in and going out so you can be the Profitable Entrepreneur.

Is the course refundable?

No, knowledge is not refundable.

How do you guarantee results?

I don’t because entrepreneurship is all about YOUR effort-I just guide you with knowledge, my experience, the tools, and guidance helping you on your journey the rest is up to YOU.

Can I share the course contents with my staff and friends?

No, everything inside the course is copyrighted and documented-if we discover (as we always do) that the articles are shared and duplicated for profitable purposes; there will be a very large fine and suit.

Will the Confidently Wealthy™️ Mega Bundle for me?

If you’re prepared to work and implement everything Natasha Gisela teaches you-there is no room for failure but you have to be consistent and persistent in achieving results. 

How much access will I get to Natasha Gisela?

All course modules are taught by Natasha Gisela herself.

How do you justify the price?

We are helping you create a million dollar business plan by teaching you the business fundamentals and systems to scale while saving you time and money from coach hoping, and downloading pointless freebies that just capture your email address plus based on our competition and what is out there we are offering ten times more value than our competition.

Are you available for management and pitching to brands?

Yes, this is something that I offer for deals that are $10,000-$60,000 deals as well as 15% at signing with contract and payment of services rendered.

How do I join the Confidently Wealthy™️ School of Business?

Scroll back up and get inside the Confidently Wealthy™️ School of Business-can’t wait to see you inside.

Please note that Confidently Healthy and Confidently Wealthy of House Social Cultural and Co. LLC have the right to detract and add more information to FAQ’s at any given time.
