The Power of The Pitch™️

Are you tired of being a broke influencer wondering how to make your social media feed more than just affiliate marketing, product marketing but actually work with brands and get paid to do so?

Then what you have is not a following problem but a negotiation and pitching problem that is why I created The Power of the Pitch™️.

I had $10.00 in my pocket, and 1500 followers on Instagram-I knew ONE thing that I had a platform Confidently Healthy™️ and I knew how to pitch that was my gift out of where I was.

I was there and I was determined with only $10.00 bucks to my name to make a name for myself and turn myself into a success story-all using my Instagram account to land paid sponsorship to fuel my business ventures.

I was just like you feeling that I couldn’t land paid brand deals because I had a small following but I created success with my strategic negotiation styles that is ten times more powerful than a media kit plus ten times higher conversion rate

How did I do it?

I didn’t do it by downloading free media kits or constantly chasing down free information inside FREE Facebook groups or complaining about things where hard-I buckled down and got to work.

I knew some rejections would come but that there would be many yes and guess what there was!

As I was writing down $10,000, a little voice said, Natasha go for $13,000 and guess what I wrote that number down and I hit that number right on the spot and I nailed it!

I even had my own event sponsored by the one of the best hotels in my area, with my signature drink and private violinist and meal!

Everything was sponsored-not to mention my extensions and beauty team!

I cannot begin to express the gratitude that I have for that evening and the year I had!

Now, I’m going to teach you exactly how I did it so you can have these wonderful experiences too!

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Course Description

Value, Value, Value!

You can’t win unless you don’t know the impact of your craft! Inside the module, we are going down to the basics, and we are going to learn about how to begin looking at your art as valuable inside the business market. Why is this important? Simple, because it is easy for you to create doesn’t mean you should be building it for free! This module will help you give the tools to position yourself from a broke brand influencer to being a paid brand that lands brands’ consistently. 

  • Advertising vs. Marketing 

  • Understanding Your Value 

  • Understanding Business

  • Brand Influencer Vs. Brand Ambassador

Getting Paid 

The key to winning is planning to win-and, also showing up as a winner. That means learning about achieving the best deal for you and your brand so you can create something that works for you. Understanding when and where paid and free work begins and ends-and changing the narrative from just being paid $100.00 for a blog post to being a paid service creative. 

  • Affiliate codes vs. Royalties deals

  • Paid Work vs. Unpaid work

  • Pricing your Services


In this module, we will learn the fundamentals of selling and to different target groups with your services, and most importantly, you’re going to understand why you don’t need to wait for 10k followers to land a paycheck! You will also learn how to sell in a market where your brand name matters and learn how to negotiate from free materials and products to landing paid sponsorships.

  • Followers and Selling 

  • What are sales funnel?

  • Local Business vs. Big Business

  • Negotiation: Relationship Building

  • Selling: Being Firm

  • Influencer Agencies vs. Pitching Brands

  • How to get deals: All about them.

The Power of The Pitch™️ Bonus

  • Product Bonus Packet One: Mindset: Respecting and Honoring your Voice (VALUED AT-$497.00)

  • Product Bonus Packet Two: Creating your service suite +Strategically Pricing your Services + Creating your sponsorship tiers (VALUED AT- $5,000)

  • Product Bonuses Three:Private Facebook Group The Power of the Pitch Community (VALUED AT-$349.00)

  • Product Bonuses Four: Proposal Packet + Template (VALUED AT $13,000 +)

    This is this the module, with templates to guide you-these are the same exact templates that I used to land $13,000 in ONE month with less than 1500 followers on Instagram with Confidently Wealthy™️’s sister brand Confidently Healthy™️.




(Do you want to create your super creative pitch deck but do not have the time to get super creative and start something from scratch? In this bonus, you’re going to get this awesome pitch deck template so you can begin to start landing paid brand deals. )



(Have you ever needed to stay organized but didn’t really enjoy Google Excel? Airtable is a great system that I use within my business to have everything in one place! In this template, you have clearly identified templates to help you organize your business needs you have created-please make a copy)



Blogging is such an important toward my business strategy and I LOVE it! Simply because I know that with one piece of content (even filled with grammatical errors-is still going to make an impact.) Plus stay for a very long time in comparison to Instagram-also if someone makes fun of my grammar-I know right then and there- I don’t want to do business with them however, if someone points out my grammar and corrects them-I want to do business with them-side education: remember how people treat you communication tells you how they do business!)