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Now that you learned the systems and created the plan let's know how to keep, manage and grow your money to combat your fears of ever losing your money so you can focus on building GENERATIONAL wealth for you and your family.

I created the Confidently Wealthy™️ Money Management Course for ONE primary purpose.

That was sole because I experienced having it all and losing it all from earning $13,000 in sales in ONE month from paid sponsors to losing it.

I didn't have the right foundation set up for myself or my business.

Today, I know that can never happen to me because I have systems, structures, and tools that will never allow me to go back to the 9-5 grind.

When COVID hit-I had eight months' worth of monthly savings, and inside the money, management program-I'm going to teach you how to run your online business without stress, so you do not feel that you have to spend $10,000 into keeping your online business afloat. 

I was just like you broke, practically homeless if I didn't live with my mom, worried that my entrepreneurship dreams wouldn't come true, and I have to go back to a job.

AKA Death to every entrepreneur and unemployable person out there!

I don't know about you, but getting a job was the LAST THING-I was going to do because I'm an entrepreneur through, and a real-life career was like a death sentence.

I had to grow up and put my grown woman pants on and learn how to manage my money because if I knew one thing, my success was inevitable, and I had to learn how to keep it, manage it and grow it. 

Because if there was one thing that I knew for sure, I was going to be a VERY Profitable Entrepreneur™️ and profitable entrepreneurs know how to keep, manage, and grow their money!

Let me show you what you’re getting inside 

The Money Management Course: Your guide to keeping and GROWING your wealth!™️


Course Description

Money Mindset 

You can’t be successful unless you have the fundamentals down and covered! Strong fundamentals and foundation is the element of success. Having this SOLID foundation filled with the beliefs-that, everything that is coming to your mind is not only attainable but secure because you know how to keep and grow your success-all with the power of money.

Identifying your Monthly Expenses + Accounts 

Every entrepreneur has this fear of if I jump, where will I live? How will I eat? How do I even pay for all of this while going for my dream?! Listen, I am a HUGE believer in going for your dream-but with the reality that you have to have shelter because it is false that you have to be homeless to THEN achieve your utter success bs. 

I created this module to understand that not charging what you’re worth is a huge indicator of where you’re going and what type of life you’re going to provide yourself and your family.

Business Fundamentals

If you don’t identify and know where you’re going, you will have a hard time knowing where to go. In this module, I will teach you how to identify the network-you desire and why it relates to your entrepreneurship journey, and how it equates to your investing and spending trip. 

Building Your Future.

This is one of my favorite modules because here we are building and acting on the business fundamentals combined with your personal income so that you can know precisely where and to what your money is going. No more thinking that you solely have to make 3k for today to have food, and rent this module will challenge you to capitalize on the fruits of your labor.






You can’t create a million dollar business plan unless you begin changing your identity and that begins with setting standards-I also speak about setting standards within this blog post. In this freebie, please go ahead make a copy and implement setting new standards so you can begin creating your profitable, sustainable and actionable business.



Journaling is a great way to get your thoughts out on paper to clear your mind and to focus on the things that are happening for you that are really pressing you. Within the links are great money making journal prompts that are meant to help you combat limiting belief so you can create your profitable, sustainable and actionable business.



This is my favorite freebie because this is the freebie where you’re going to break down exactly how you’re making your money and what you’re doing it-I actually share my own money stories with you!