Thank you for clicking on this tab-it has been a hell of a journey to get here! Through crippling chronic depression, amnesia, lack of self-esteem, and overall being lost and too hard on myself. I made it out!

Comparison is truly the thief of joy.

Here you can support the work; I am doing that means my community and cultural engagement projects, and public appearances through pageantry.

Pageantry is a great way to build sportsmanship, develop entrepreneurship skills, believe that you’re capable of a goal, and build resistance.

Not to mention it teaches you patience.

If you’re interested in promoting mental and emotional wellness through social media; this is the place for you. If you are interested, in helping others to be healthier; Confidently Healthy was created to help others to become healthier mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially.

Thank you to everyone for all of your donations and support.

Pay Pal

To support me on Paypal: @natashagisela1234


To support me on Venmo: @Natashagisela



To support me on CashApp: