How to look more well polished and groomed

9 easy ways to look effortless well-groomed

Are you looking to become better polished and more well-groomed? This is a question that is always on someone's timeline because becoming more well polished and well-groomed easily puts you in a category of success. 

Why do you want to look better polished and more well-groomed? Well, it is simple-you get more access to opportunities, to social status, and unfortunately, people are more inclined to help you out more in this day in age when you are more well put together.

This is something to take note of because people think it starts with makeup and fashion. In reality, it comes from your thoughts and from within.

There are many articles out there that speak about the external but what about the internal beauty from within? We often skip out on what is often the most important aspect and that is our inner being. 

In this blog post, I’m going to give you some tips on how to start looking better polished and more well-groomed from within. 

How much water are you drinking per day?

There is a huge myth that is out there that states that you should be drinking 8 glasses of water per day but that is a lie in itself! You should be drinking a gallon of water a day!

How do you manage to do that per day? You can start by purchasing this water bottle down below to help you consume your water intake daily to help you develop a healthier glow.

Did you know that your body is roughly around 80% water? Your internal organs need water to function properly and that your skin is the biggest organ on your body! 

If you’re suffering from cystic acne or severe dry sky; lack of water is often the source that will help heal these two denominators on your skin.

Achieving a Healthier Glow

Did you know the average human does not get their daily vitamin intake? It is perfectly okay because this is why supplements are here to guide you and help you along your day. 

To achieve a healthier glow and to look more well polished and groomed you want to focus on your internal organs and the nutrients they are receiving.

Vitamins to help your hair grow usually begin with your hair, your eyes, your bones, to name a few. However, you want to go in with a vitamin plan. You do not want to go in and take in all the vitamins for no reason or they will not work. You want to be strategic. 

For example, if you are taking your hair and nail vitamins this will go easily well with your Vitamin D tablets that are well with your bones. 

Your Vitamin D bones are for your posture as this helps with your bones, and your hair and nails are for your beauty.  

These are the ones I'm currently taking and they work like a gem. 

Healthy Gut

Did you know that a healthy gut comes from your mind and thoughts? I remember when I was 50 pounds overweight and 17% body fat heavier- my gut was out of control because of my negative thoughts. Why was this? I wasn’t conscious or aware of what I was thinking. 

I teach this inside the Confidently Healthy course-how to become aware of your health and beauty. Haven’t you noticed the first place that you get worried or scared is your stomach? 

This causes gases and fecal matter to get stored up in your stomach which causes bloating and weight to be added up in your body. 

This is something that you do not want to occur in your body because it is a form of holding toxins in your body which is all caused by the mind. 

One way that I used to clean my stomach was colonic treatments and I did 6 of those throughout my weight loss journey.

I lost a total of 15 pounds with those treatments and my stomach has never been better!

However, one thing that I constantly use and never will stop using is something that helps me achieve my daily glow is drinking probiotics in the evening!

Why do I take it in the evening?

Well here is the thing if you take your probiotics in the morning, you don’t know how your body will react throughout the day. If I take my probiotics in the evening, I know that my body has processed everything while I was sleeping so I can flush everything out in the morning. 

These two are my favorite and they work.

Glow up your Mind With Tea 

Have you ever just needed a glow-up of your mind? Looking better polished and well-groomed begins with a clear mindset and drinking tea is a great way to clear out those negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts. 

Drinking tea is a great relaxer, a way to calm down and be grateful for what you feel good about. 

This is also a way to glow up your skin from within without drinking coffee.

I came across these two teas that are meant for two different purposes. The pitta tea is meant to calm you down and the Kapa tea is meant to energize you. I never came across teas that worked so well! I enjoy pitta tea especially on days that I’m angry or frustrated. 

These are the teas that you need to have for the office.

Glowing Skin with Moisture 

Another tip to looking better polished and well-groomed is taking care of your skin with great moisture that SPF! Did you know that a majority of adults are not using SPF?

Did you also know that using SPF is essential to protecting your skin from sun damage and cancer?

Did you also know that using SPF gives you a great foundation base for your makeup? (when you’re not going out to upscale events)

CeraVe is my top choice in using an SPF that serves moisture that also works as a great foundational base for your makeup routine-it comes to the point that I do not even have to wear foundation because it has taken such great care of my skin.

Check out this youtube video here to see how healthy my glow is.

Dye Your Eyebrows.

Are you tired of penciling and powdering in your eyebrows? Do you not want to Microderm your eyebrows? Introducing dying your eyebrows with a special dye from Austria! 

Dying your eyebrows helps you save time and money and it also gives you a better polished and well-groomed look!

I loved this special tip that you can do bi-weekly that helps you save hours throughout your beauty routine! It also helps you frame the face and helps you give you a gorgeous glow from within.

You want to keep in mind that beauty and self-development are always starting with your thoughts and how you carry yourself; how you view the world. How are you seeing your opportunities? Remember the opportunities you come across are the direct reflection on how you carry yourself and the direct standard on how you carry yourself. That always comes down to how you present yourself with your beauty routine.

That's how you become better polished and more well-groomed from within.