Why You Should Be Confidently Healthy™️ and Confidently Wealthy™️

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✨💸Confidently Wealthy💸✨

👩🏽‍💻FREE Facebook Group: https://bit.ly/2VejgxN

📸The Gram! https://bit.ly/3eBpP58

I created Confidently Healthy™️ out of hurt and pain-I had been severed bullied growing up till my late 20’s because of my weight and body shape constantly chasing the definition of what it is to be beautiful without already realizing that I was already beautiful.

Instead of trying out for the soccer team at University-I made a decision to start hanging out with a friend group that we didn’t make the best decisions growing up like drinking under the age and doing stupid things that led me to constantly external validation from others-for practically everything. 

Do you know what this led me? 

A lost child trying to grow up in a crazy world-that ended up in the hands of abusers-mentally, physically and spiritually.

This pain began with my body that translated to being obese, thyroid cancer at 17, and practically no mental health or spiritual health. 

This all showed later after entering the world of pageantry-that well; let’s just say: the feeling of being the ‘biggest’ on stage (thighs, hips, but-you get the picture) in a world that glorifies 5’7 straight thin beauty left me feeling degraded and lost.

Everything that I loved was challenged and that led me to ask myself what was the real definition of beauty?

All I knew and felt, was that I was HIGHLY messed up in the mind, body, and spirit and I was entering my 30’s and I didn’t want this to enter it with me.

I began to ask myself, what is the definition of beauty? 

There is nothing wrong with taking care of yourself, playing with make-up, getting your hair done while owning your femininity and having fun. 

However, I know the exterior in how you act and think is a reflection of what is interior within your mind, spirit and how you think about things. 

Confidently Healthy™️ is about loving yourself in the process of creation in health and beauty but being dedicated to self-improvement within the mind, body, and spirit.

Let’s get real for a second, Confidently Healthy™️ is here to prevent the emotional causes of what causes unhealthiness in our bodies and to help you create a sustainable foundation so you can create the life of abundance and prosperity with our Confidently Wealthy™️ School of Business.

You see, my fundamental truth is that without a strong foundation of self-love and worth in the mind, body, and spirit while taking care of yourself through health + beauty, you can never create a profitable + sustainable business passive income based business.

(I teach you how to do this through Confidently Wealthy-you can click here to learn more)

It is simply impossible.

My fundamental belief is that EVERYONE is worthy to achieve their dreams-because we are limitless beings-however,you must be healthy in the mind, body and spirit.

I created Confidently Healthy™️ and Confidently Wealthy™️ to help you my reader to take consistent daily action toward your goals while loving yourself in the process so you can create your own life on your terms.

I created Confidently Wealthy™️ because I couldn’t take the toxic self-important masculinity that couldn’t see that working at home (or from wherever) I wanted to in the world improved my productivity and I didn’t want to be someone’s secretary (who was treated bad) either-I knew I was more than that.

I couldn’t see myself waiting 30 years to get a 6 figure check while seeing people above me work less and earning more.

I couldn’t stand to see creatives not getting paid for their true value and going back to a 9-5 job or not having money for retirement. 

I had enough fake coaches, charging an arm and a leg to teach someone systems-that had no effect on growth or how to manage your time.

And the cherry on top?

I was tired of seeing amazing feminine individuals build multi-figure empires, in the marketing and sales position, when they could’ve been the CEO.

I created Confidently Wealthy™️ so that my students had a streamlined system in cutting from all the noise and bs to create a profitable + sustainable + actionable business-because let’s be real if you’re entering the world of entrepreneurship you’re here to create your own income, exceed your current income, never go back to a 9-5,  and have something that works for you.

Everyone will tell you to enter the world of entrepreneurship as a coach or a service-based business but I won’t- I want to teach you how to manage, and grow your money to combat that fear of being homeless and going back to your 9-5, land paid sponsorship deals with your own brand, and create a million-dollar business plan with the systems and foundation to match.

Confidently Wealthy™️ was created to help creative entrepreneurs to create legacy businesses that thrive-all with the power of THEIR brand while staying Confidently Healthy™️ in the mind, body, and spirit.

No more clocking in, being rushed to work, being told what to do, going to work when you really don’t even need to be there because you have wifi and a laptop.

It’s time to create your OWN life, through taking small massive action consistently so that you can be Confidently Healthy™️ and Confidently Wealthy™️ in the mind, body, and spirit!

That one action begins with one click here.