Develop a Positive Mindset Toward Your Health and Beauty Routine

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In this article, I wanted to speak about taking care of yourself now Confidently Healthy™️ is about looking good and feeling good as a feminine individual this includes, hair, nails, make up, tanning, skin care and yes weight has to do with it.

I’m Latina and we come from a very strong feminine background and pageants are ingrained in us. I competed in pageants and found much joy in them, however, it came with a huge downfall and that I was very highly criticized for my appearance even at my smallest frame (which I developed highly unnaturally to fit in society's standard of beauty BTW).

After this massive disappointment and shattering to my self-confidence that no matter what I did I wasn’t good enough for that world and that everything was basically rigged-I went into a serious depression where I only gained all the weight I lost back.

However, here is the thing-when I lost all that weight-I did it so unnaturally and it was so toxic to my body that it led me to the hospital plus I felt like crap all the time! Not to mention I had an IUD installed a week prior so that just intensified the pain and also led to the weight gain. 

Now let’s take a look at what does this does mentally, emotionally and spiritually-having, a predetermined notion of what you’re trying to look like hinders your mind and causes you not to appreciate where you’re at currently in your life journey.

I’m someone who is always on to a goal-I do not think we should be stagnant in this life nor do I think that we should let ourselves go, however, if you’re constantly thinking about the end result you will never get there.

Yes, think about the outcome you want but think about the person you had to become in order to get there.

That begins with developing a POSITIVE mindset toward your health and beauty routine.

For example, if you think that you have ugly hair-you’re not going to want to take care of it or you will be constantly changing your hair thus causing damage to it making it look and feel ten times worse.

Trust me, I have been there! (I’m not saying not to have fun with your hair, have fun but make sure you do it with healthy treatments!)

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SO you’re most likely thinking to yourself, how do I develop a positive mindset toward my health and beauty routine. 

Well the thing is you have to realize-THERE IS ONLY ONE OF YOU!!!!!

Isn’t it cool in a world where there are billions of people out on the planet no one has your same thumbprint? 

You didn’t come into this world hating your hair-you were told to hate your hair by someone around you and by identifying someone on who you want to become.

For instance, I saw Paulina Vega and tried for years to be her-but I’m naturally a heavier frame than her plus she is like 5’9 and I’m here rocking a solid 5’0/5’1 on a good day.

There is nothing wrong with admiring and going after the inspiration of someone’s beauty but when you’re constantly feeling down on yourself because you do not feel that you meet that standard-things start hindering in your mind that you do not see your self worth as being awesome.

It is okay to want to fit into a certain jumpsuit-it is okay that you want a flatter stomach-it is okay to want to change your physical body but you have to do it from a place from love and CELEBRATING who you are as a feminine individual. 

Because at the end of the day, we only take care of the things we love and the only thing that will be with you for the rest of your life is your mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health that is always reflected in the physical. 

So what am I saying? I am saying LOVE YOU and HONOR YOU-through your health and beauty routine.

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