How to be Happy, Healthy, and Wealthy

We all want to be ten times happier and wealthier but what if I told you there is a huge secret in already to get that right now in the power of your hands?

You have the power to get that right now through the power of understanding of thriving right where you are at-through the power of gratitude and taking the first step of realizing that you are not stuck; that things can always get better for you.

I remember when I was highly depressed and suicidal when I thought I was going to lose my mother that I was not practicing the power of gratitude for honoring what I have right now so in this blog post, I want to help you understand how to be happy, healthy and wealthy now.

Happiness is in the now.

If you haven’t watched the movie Soul or enrolled inside my Confidently Healthy course we teach you how to love yourself in the now so you can enjoy yourself on the journey of life.

Life is a series of getting to yourself to the goal and enjoying the process of creation not the process of when you get this you will be happy because when you get there you will never be happy-trust me I have tried that there is no Ariel moment to life-we are constantly Ariel changing our lives and our world through the law of attraction and creation which is what I teach inside the Confidently Healthy course.


Happiness is in the now-so ask yourself what is one thing that you can be happy about? I’m always happy tath I can create a better tomorrow by being in the present today that I am with my mom, my dogs, nature, and doing what I love another day.

Know what you want is yours-if you work for it.

Did you know if you decide to work for something it automatically becomes yours and if you don’t get something you automatically get something better? 

Having this mindset means that no one will ever have strings above yoru head in this life and you can laugh at them when they try to pull some mediocre bs on you when they try to enforce some non existent rules.

Always have a plan for yourself not exterior

You must not rely on other people to tell you or give you advice on what to do-you must say listen this is how you’re coming across and this is how you want to change it because this is where you’re going and you don’t like it.

This is where plans begin. Having a plan for yourself and who you want to be is essential-but always ask for help but give yourself grace with comedy.

Be grateful for everything.

Gratitude speeds up everything. It can change everything up for you if you let it and force yourself to be grateful just as some people for themselves to be positive-I force myself to be grateful because each persons journey is different mine happened to be a lot slower because I had to go slower but the turtle still won.

Be grateful for your journey because con calma, happiness and your peace along with your sanity is essential.

Create a sustainable life, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Let’s speak about the hare-chasing goals that are not sustainable-if you’re pursuing something just for a title and not for yourself you will be burnt out and stressed. What do I mean? Pursue something that is going to help you create a job and a long lasting one that is going to give you emotional fulfillment in the daily pursuit; just like the movie soul-if you’re so worried about the end goal you’re missing out on your family, friends and loved ones.

Enjoy the journey-take care of your health and ignore everyone that does not fit into those categories above. Need help in creating that? Inside the Confidently Healthy® course I help you how to achieve a sustainable healthy life so you can create your Confidently Wealthy® Business you can start here by signing up for the five day challenge.

Laugh for no reason-laugh for everything.

Seriously, laugh for no reason-laughter is the joy of life. Laugh at the people who think you’re crazy because you’re laughing. Laugh at the people who think what you’re doing with your life is crazy. Laugh at yourself-laugh at the Universe for making life so easy. Just laugh.
