5 Ways on How to Get Ready to Count Your Macros

Are you struggling to redefine your body after weight loss? 

Or are you looking to try a new way to lose weight by counting macros?

If so this is the blog post for you because we are going to break down steps that you should be considering and taking before you start counting macros.

What are macros-I am not a scientist and you don’t need to be one to lose weight and feel healthy in your body plus feel sexy in your body.


However, macros are calories and when you implement them they are calorie counting to achieve a specific weight loss goal.

Counting macros are great so you can specifically see how to lose weight and where you’re losing weight with your eating; for instance, I downloaded the myfitnesspal app and saw that I was eating more of the heavier carb side like bread and peanut butter which caused that round tummy look that I was trying to avoid.

Tracking what you eat helps to see what you’re eating which helps to start a new mindset of being free of food control; which is more of the Confidently Healthy approach.


However, this post after being much requested is specifically focused on what steps you should be taking to get to counting macros being the emotions and mental stamina it takes.

If you’re obese and new to this game I do not understand why it is so difficult to count macros and I think for me it was because I needed to find freedom and I secretly do not like being controlled.

This goes to my first topic.

Learn how to heal your mental and emotional well being

When I first approached my weight loss journey-I did it from a place where I needed to heal my inner demons and chronic depression; I also needed to regulate my body. I couldn’t control anything my outbursts-basically, had Will Smith Oscar 2022 moments frequently, and as a young lady that did not look good.

Your mental and emotional well-being is everything; because you will face many rejections but it is how you deal with them that matters. 

I think what a lot of people do not understand is that your body is like a cow: if you think of an American Cow in comparison to a Wagu from Japan or even Australia. 

American Cows before they die eat horrible grass, are stored in locked cages and when are they prepared to be served at the tables they are very tense and bloated.

The Wagu is different and of higher quality because of the following; they eat higher quality grass, they rome free, get massages, even watch Netflix before being served.

This is the same process as losing weight-you gained weight because you didn’t regulate your emotions before and stored them all in your body.

Now it is your time to release them before you learn how to count your macros.

This is something that I teach inside my weekly online coaching which you can sign up for here or automatically enroll in the Confidently Healthy program. 

Ask yourself what you like and what you don’t like to eat

Now before you start counting macros and learning how much you burn-have you ever asked yourself what you like to eat?

You cannot copy recipes off Pinterest because you don’t even have the basics in eating-that is putting the cart before the horse in counting macro journey.

In your counting macro journey, you have to look at what is easy for you, what goes around your schedule, and what is EASY for you to achieve.

Remember that time on Desperate House Wives the son complains to the mom and asks her why they can’t eat anything normal, instead of fancy recipes?

Well, that is you. We need to be basic but with flavor. I am not saying counting macros has to be boring and flavorless; however, you do need to think about carb, protein, veggie. 

Now, you’re most likely thinking if it is that simple; what is stopping the simplicity from achieving this? 

It is your attachment to the food and the American (WESTERN) identity of so much food and the serving side and they need to be fancy.

You don’t need to be fancy when you eat; it's fun to be fancy but not every.single.meal. That is what you have to break from when healing yourself. 

Get a good gym routine going-like are you working out?

Unless you get a good health and fitness routine up and running you’re never going to get to your goals-sorry but not sorry. 

Learn that moving your body is a temple and vessel to get your goals. 

Also, it doesn’t have to be so rigid, such as weight lifting you can dance three times per week but you have to move for at least an hour a day; this can even be walking and can start to learn here. (HINT HOW I LOST 67 POUNDS IN A YEAR) 

Remember, you can’t start counting macros unless you have a good foundational base of moving your body consistently or you’re never going to achieve results. 

Hello, World!

Change your self-concept about yourself (sell online program here)

The next thing that you have to work on is changing your self-concept because the reason why a lot of people struggle with is the self-concept they have of themselves.

As I hinted at a lot, throughout this blog post is that the reason why you haven’t achieved your goals is that you haven’t learned that this is who you are now-you haven’t separated the past from the present.

This is you now right now in the present creating a new future a new beginning; a new journey of life of health so you create a sustainable result.

Think of it this way-you’re leaving the restaurant job for a career with great benefits and a great salary; which requires you to maintain integrity. 

You’re leaving your past behind each time you’re deciding to stay consistent calculating your macros or taking a walk hitting your daily steps even hitting the gym.

Then after your weight loss, you can reshape your body 

Okay, so we went through all these steps to lose weight what next? Is your body ready to count macros? Because to start counting macros-it is overwhelming and requires a whole new level of consistency and discipline. 

Now that you have followed these steps and enrolled in either my free weekly coaching program (email list) (youtube) or my online DIY coaching program; you can then start counting macros. 

Let’s put it like this is my step process which is what helped me achieve my lifelong sustainable results.


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