How Inner Child Healing Helps to Lose Weight Quickly

The Real Success to Lose Weight

Are you tired of yo-yo-ing in your diet? Are you ready to LOVE your body again and not suffer? If so this is going to be the blog post for you because it is going to teach about sustainable weight loss.

If you don’t know who I am or what I have accomplished; I have lost 69 pounds and 30% body fat rejecting everything that every personal trainer has taught me and overcoming crash dieting, and crash fitness plans.

Instead; I created a healthy weight loss plan that produces a sustainable result. There have been times of weight gain, however, losing weight has always been something that I can bounce back on and create easily.

Life is about creating something sustainable which means something you can easily keep and build upon because you’re always going to want to improve somehow, someway, however, it is about being content and happy during the process of living.

Let's be clear losing weight does not mean purchasing every single item related to losing weight; weight loss plans, pilates, steppers etc. No, weight loss goes much deeper than that.

It is more than eating fewer calories and healthy fats-it is healing the relationship that you have with yourself, physical activity, and food.


A common mistake of others; when focused on weight loss they do not have their focus throughout the day on the lifestyle changes they need to implement into their daily routine.

This is blocked because of the old you that chooses to hold on to the pain rather than to seek fulfillment within the future.

Instead of focusing on weight loss-focus on the fulfillment of what you're attaining-the lifestyle, the experiences of life, the quality of life that weight loss gives you.

This takes time; as a society, SOLEY thinks about numbers on the scale, however, you can only get there when you begin to process the emotions within you mentally and emotionally. 

How you look and approach things are the key to life.

So instead of hardcore non-connection science-backed tips; we are going to focus on changing from within to create quick weight loss to achieve not only a weight loss goal rather the enjoyment of high protein breakfast, healthy foods, and the release of processed foods from your daily life that will not only help you lose weight fast but as well lose body fat.

Your eating habits come from your mind thus it is essential to heal the mind in order to create a healthier lifestyle.

Healing and Weight Loss

This means starting to be brave within yourself and knowing you’re worth it: you most likely think I don't know if I am worth it (because I was there); however, you do not need to prove your worth.

You're worthy because you're worthy.

Weight loss has nothing to do with your worth.

Think about the times when you were A CHILD when people around you just screamed 'lose weight' that only created more weight on your body not including body fat.

However, what I find with many of my clients is that they come on the defense of how, and what, to do to lose weight when they don't have the results.

Use this mindset by looking back at your life-people did not have results so they put it on you to impact your life.

When you start understanding that people's projection of them is on you: your life starts to change.

You are not responsible for what people say about you-you're responsible for what is done when people say things that are not aligned with you.

Therefore, eating too few calories is not going to get you anywhere.

Weight loss success is not looking back at the past and feeling remorse about not having boundaries (which takes time) but rather learning so you can build a better future for your 90-year-old self-care.

Fad diets; only contribute more to weight gain rather than producing a steady weight loss plan.

You have to start forgiving yourself and falling in love with yourself.

Falling in love with your inner child means that you are creative and you're enjoying your creativity and not afraid to share it because you’re doing it in a professional matter.

Usually, when we have a lot of body weight on us we are trying to hide from something or someone-this cannot be the case in life because life is about living.

When we want to follow our dreams if it is being a great lawyer or teacher, model, or actress, we have to be seen and that creates a sense of vulnerability within us because our vulnerability can often be rejected.

However; the right people and the right systems won't reject you but rather welcome you, and rejection is always redirection to something better.

Fall in Love with Movement Again

Remember the kid on the playground?

When playing on the playground; think about how you were when you were little-you were not obese or sick.

You were healthy, young, and vibrant-this is who you should be now currently; Not sick, unhealthy, and lack of life.

Weight loss comes from an emotional imbalance within your body and your emotions are the driving force to your happiness and your life.

Emotions control blood sugar and help prevent disease control-think about the time you have been mentally imbalanced lashing out at people think about what your body felt like?

How did you calm down; usually with food.

You're either feeling hungry or stuffing your face then so focused on your weight forgetting your overall general health, well-being, and quality of living.

Looking at emotional eating habits from certain foods that produce heart disease and impact one's blood pressure and blood sugar; many of these foods come from our childhood that we once enjoyed or our parents gave us to 'silence ourselves' and not process our emotions.

Processing your emotions and just hearing your thoughts; while conducting physical activity is one of the keys if you want to lose weight quickly.

Have you asked yourself what is holding you back? Have you asked yourself what does a healthy weight look like to you?

When you ask yourself these questions you can then not start something then stop then start something again-you're focusing on what brings you fulfillment and joy that ultimately creates sustainable weight loss.

We have to develop exercise habits that support us and are fun that we can keep cultivating that will fuel us.

Unhappiness; building physical activity habits will only cultivate going toward your goals through the ego which will always result in a higher calorie intake and unhealthy eating patterns that do manage stress in an effective manner.

Sustainable weight loss comes from managing stress with enjoying the physical activity you're participating in.

Your weight loss goals; has to be more than lifting weights and meal planning four times per week.

Happiness and The Journey

If you are experiencing tension releasing weight-it is because you are unhappy with what you are doing in your life and you’re overworked therefore you have to change it up to create happiness.

How do you create this in order to create a healthy lifestyle?

You pause and enjoy stillness: if you truly want to lose weight and not pack on more weight-you will embrace the power of stillness.

Stillness and pausing have much health benefits that will help you to lose weight which is a blend of physical activity and how many calories you're consuming to develop a healthy muscle mass.

Remember; when your doctor states to eat slowly, drink water to stay hydrated, eat whole grains, and avoid sugary drinks?

This is turning your back on processed foods to create a healthy way of living; nevertheless, I can write about many of these topics and tips that are found everywhere on the internet, however, if you're not willing to change your approach-mentally-you're going to stay stuck.

The mindset that you have to lose weight is keeping you stuck in the same place where you’re not supposed to be-instead you need to focus on that this is what you are doing now as a fit person-these are the steps and this is the process these you implement daily and weekly into your life that produces a monthly yearly result.

I teach how inside my Confidently Healthy signature program; where I teach step by step how I lost 69 pounds and 30% fat and actually started living.  (BUTTON) 

Making new friends

Remember when you had REAL friendships?

A lot of people would crash and hide in life after multiple friendships come to an end, however, that is not life; life is supposed to live by creating new experiences within the moment with individuals who you are vibrating with. 

Each time you lose a friendship or a relationship does not pan out just know in your gut you’re moving to a higher circle and higher surroundings. 

When rejection leaves the body it is like a sting leaving the body and heavy weight and it is only done so when you learn how to establish boundaries and forgive yourself and put boundaries in your life for your new friends.

I found that rejection is the strongest feeling that one can embody that will ruin one's diet and eating patterns because one takes out these feelings on food.

This is why the first thing that I want you to do is to make friends with yourself; with what you want out of life, how you want to experience life, what you want to experience in this life, and what you want to embody.

This friendship can even be extended to what you eat and what you're eating: remember; when I stated that losing weight and weight loss is a long-term relationship?

If I were you; I would also make friends with you: learning is a long-term thing and you cannot have new friends until you have certain standards within your new identity.

I mentioned earlier inner child healing to achieve healthy weight loss; when you're healing your inner child you're also establishing your boundaries for your life and what you will and will not experience.

Healing your inner child means healing your thoughts and understanding that you're the creator of your life no one else.

Remember trying new ideas and learning new things?

The value of failing.

We all learn how to fail and get up, however, it is not until we build something called resistance.

You see life is a game and we must learn how to play it in order to be successful it is called picking yourself back up and it sometimes it takes longer than others.

Nevertheless, you learn and you pick yourself by always creating the game of imagination this time creating a better reality than you possibly imagine.

What stops people? Disappointment, discouragement, comparison, no faith, and not trying.

However, not putting a time frame on their weight loss journey and not implementing a weight loss plan that is tailored to them is what keeps people circulating back into the same weight.

Do not be discouraged though!

Weight loss isn't linear.

Every time you fail; you learn something new and it is from these mistakes-and there is no such thing as failure as long as you keep going and try new things. 

Remember it is your approach to the matter rather than result-you want the result, however, need to change your approach.

How can you fail if you stop? How can you succeed if you don't try?

You lose weight by choosing to wake up in a healthy way toward your future.

The value of loving success

The discipline of consistency

This is where the next thing comes to action; many people including myself thought that when you reach a goal you stop doing the things you get to a goal, however, life is not a race. 

There is no finished line-just how doctors have to continuously have to practice their craft by studying you have to build upon your strength.

It is like stating that because you eat one fruit that has countless vitamins and minerals you will acquire the benefits of it in one take and that is not the case.

It is a journey where you build upon blessings and blessings and mistakes are blessings in disguise here to teach you new things. 

For instance; every time you do not complete your complete to-do list and you still complete the remainder of tasks the next day you're still on your way to success.

Consistency is here to show you how seriously you want this and how you want to change your life.

If you want to be taken seriously you have to be consistent.

This is what a sustainable weight loss journey will teach you how to do because you have to be disciplined when you do not want to show up and you have to be consistent. 

Learning and implementing these things into your life will help you not only with your weight loss but as well be a better person who is always on the path of self-improvement. 

Here is the thing; now that you lost weight-you have to keep it off, however, let's not get bogged down on the frustration let's decide to choose gratitude toward our new routine.


Once you lose weight-your schedule is most likely going to change as well as your approach to living.

You tend to value different things. This means the first thing you value is time-because movement takes time.

An effective weight loss plans; focuses on how many times you move your body per week-that means; if you decide to take Monday and Wednesday off from walking-you can go ahead and focus on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!

Isn't that amazing-that life is the ultimate human services plan that you can never mess up because the average amount of times you have to move your body is 4-5 days a week for 45 minutes to an hour!

Think about the time you were on the playground; when you were a child-you did not go to recess every single day instead they changed it up from time to time to keep the brain active and the body rest.

One day coloring, one-day writing, one day reading, one-day reflecting-it is the same thing as being an adult.

It doesn't matter how many registered dietitians you go to-you have to move your body in order to celebrate yourself. Just how you stand up for yourself when people cheat you out of money or you do not think people are handing business the correct way.

A registered dietitian; will teach you about food; however, they will not teach you about movement and enjoying your body through the power of exercise.

If you want to learn how to eat and generate powerful eating habits that will help then a registered dietitian can help you; nevertheless, I have never met a registered dietitian that connected inner child work, feelings, toward food, and exercise.

The Power of Eating as A Self Regulated Adult

Eating is a fundamental aspect of our life. It involves our health and helps us stay motivated toward our goals.

This is the largest fundamental part of your health journey and this largest part you have to understand that food is your friend and not trying to kill you or make you fat.

It is here to be your beauty parlor. I want you to think about fruit as a food that is constantly used in natural beauty products on the body.

That is something that we celebrate; however, it would be more of a celebration if you ate it as true beauty comes from within and that glow comes from within.

Your diet has to be something you enjoy-and the terminology 'diet' has been used negatively to express someone not in alignment with oneself.

What this article is suggesting is: to take the word 'diet' and use it and create your own version of 'diet' based on your customs, traditions, and what you have been raised around.

This is something that I teach inside the Confidently Healthy program which helped me lose 69 pounds and 30% body fat.

When you learn how to regulate yourself; you begin to program your relationship toward food and exercise as one of enjoyment and gratitude, not one of self-loathing and hate.

Eating is something to be enjoyed; when you're out with your family and friends. When you're eating you should be in a state of enjoyment.

A diet doesn't have to be a diet. And exercise doesn't have to be dreaded.
