How to Prepare for A Modeling Photoshoot

Okay, listen up ladies! We are getting prep for a photoshoot; actually my first very big one that truly marks that this is a reality; not just fantasy. I can’t wait to show you behind the scenes so be sure to subscribe to all my channels so you don’t miss out. 

In this blog post, I am going to help you prepare beauty wise, as well as health wise for your modeling gigs because as we know life gets extremely busy and the last thing that I want to do is to come back home and to meal prep.

First, meal prep your wheatgrass and teas-below are the teas that I am using and the wheatgrass that I am using.

I drink my wheatgrass an hour or two after my coffee and depending on what tea I am drinking and the purpose of the tea I will drink it with the wheatgrass; however, in this case (if you’re from Tik Tok) I am drinking this tea in the afternoon to decrease my bloating and to heal my leaky gut.

It is very important to understand WHEN to drink your teas because each tea is meant for different things.

You truly don’t want to drink this tea which is meant to flush you out during the middle of the day during a busy work session.

These are the best containers and the most luxurious.

Next after my walk, breakfast and quick walk-Its time to whiten the smile with crest white strips and Crest toothpaste.

Here is everything, I have been religiously using.

Next is washing your face, I can’t express the importance of washing your wash. I don’t understand why people don’t wash their faces! It's gross if you don’t wash it every day and night! Dirt piles up from the surroundings.

I love this Cereve cleaner, as it takes away everything from my face and then I go in right after with a pore extractor .

That is exactly; what I do to prepare for my big shoot! Make sure that you’re nails are painted clear!