Why You Should Create a Confidently Healthy™️ and Confidently Wealthy™️ plan

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How to Start Changing Yourself Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually in 2021

In this blog post, I wanted to address COVID-2020 and entering 2021 before I mention what incredible human beings we are still here-I do want to take a moment that we are still HERE.

I don't think that we realize that people lost their lives due to a pandemic, and yet people are still traveling, so we do not really know when this will be over, but I do know one thing; if you're on this blog post that everything in life works out in your favor.

If you're here, you might have it rough but let's go ahead and reframe our mindset so that things can take a drastic turn for the better.

However, it does not go without TWO THINGS-planning and investing, and I know one thing; if you're not Confidently Healthy™️, you're never going to be Confidently Wealthy™️ , so let's begin. 


I once read this quote that it takes an intelligent individual to observe one's thoughts without entertaining it. Roughly, about 99% of your negative thoughts are false; your Creator wants you to have an easy life, but you must decide to have a sound mind by taking daily consistent action toward your goals. 

Examine where you were mentally? What triggered you? How did you feel? What was the result of those triggers? What were you thinking about? 


Being emotionally unstable is the result of losing many business deals and losing valuable employees. Also, it results in losing money to lofty purchases-as a solid rule; I hardly don't attend hardcore hustle culture seminars-they are not my thing, although I have thought about throwing one.

So be sure to sign up for your free workbook to stay informed if I do ever throw one in the near future!


As a miniature homework assignment, I want you to ask yourself, where do you get your emotions from? Where have you been connecting your energy too? What have you been watching also?


As we enter a new year, check-in spiritually; where are you at? Did you connect with your Creator? Did you realize that we are all here for a reason and that we all have a purpose; that we are not here just floating around? 

Everyone has a purpose, and sometimes I do feel like I don't have a sense; we all get that way, but then that is where hope comes in. You just need the hope of starting the change.


To start the change, you must begin to move-affirmations are great; journaling is excellent; however, nothing is as great as moving. 

Moving your body means moving your mind to better and greater things that mean physical movement either with walking or going to the gym.

However, you must move-each day, you must move even if it is for 30 minutes, your body will thank you, plus your loved ones will thank you as well.

Now let's speak about creating a Confidently Healthy™️ plan a Confidently Wealthy™️ plan. 

Remember, at the beginning of this blog post, I mentioned that you first had to be Confidently Healthy™️ to be Confidently Wealthy™️? 

You might be asking yourself, what is the meaning to be Confidently Healthy™️? 

To be Confidently Healthy™️ is to be content and loving yourself throughout the journey of life, committed to self-improvement, dedicated to releasing the holds of what people have done to you, and to not settle for second best. 

To indeed go for it-to be diplomatic, to release your inner dragon and just fly to not live with the shame of the past.

This is something that no one will tell you of the fitness industry that the stubborn weight you're not losing is the shame, the resentment, the people that have power over you (just as anorexia is the anxiety). 

Inside the Confidently Healthy program, we look at ourselves holistically mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and work towards creating a more sound foundation that clears the toxicity within these elements so you can and can sustain a life of abundance with the Confidently Wealthy™️ program.


Nothing is done without planning and investing, and the seed is not grown overnight! Things take time to develop-just like your weight loss journey takes time, creating something thriving does too. 

Don't skip out on yourself and don't skip out on an incredible decade because it is a slow start; you might just be working diligently.